Special attention when using aluminum alloy die castings

The following points should be specially paid attention in the use of aluminum alloy die casting told:

1. The use of mould cooling system. Correctly use of mould cooling water can not only extend the service life of the mould, but also improve the production efficiency. In the actual production we often ignore its importance, the operator also graphs save trouble, because of connecting is too much trouble, the operator does not pick up the cooling water pipe, in order to save costs, some companies even do not use cooling water when mould customisation, which resulting in the serious consequences.

Mould materials are generally made by specialised die steels through a variety of processes, even better die steels also have their limitation of use, such as temperature. If the mould temperature is too high when using, it is easy to make the surface of the mould core early cracked, some moulds have a large area of crack less than 2000 times of using.
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Even the mould core has changed colour during production because the mould temperature is too high, after measuring it has reached more than 400 degrees, such temperature is prone to crack when meet mould release cooling state, the products are easy to deform, strain and stick the mould. The mould cooling water can greatly reduce the use of mould release, and it is unnecessary to use mould release to reduce the mould temperature.

Its advantage is to extend the life of the mould, save the die casting cycle, improve product quality, reduce the incidence of mould sticking and aluminum sticking, reduce the use of mould release. It can also reduce the loss of top rod and core caused by the hot mould temperature.

2. The mould must be preheated before the production process, in order to prevent the crack because the cold die suddenly encountered hot metallic liquid, the more complex moulds can use blowtorch, liquefied gas, or mould temperature machine for good condition, the relatively simple moulds can use slow injection preheating.
China CNC rapid prototyping

3. If mould is equipped with a neutron control, please pay attention to the absolute prohibition of signal line connector between die casting machine and mould, the reason is clear, in daily production, it is difficult to avoid signal line be wet, or the joint bandage is easily broken, resulting in short circuit of machine tools, if the cause of the error signal, it will alarm and automatically shut down for delaying time, the worse result is disturbance signal, the mould is damaged. It will cause unnecessary loss. Travel switch should pay attention of waterproof.

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