What are the types of sheet metal processing and manufacturing technology?

Sheet metal processing, in simple terms, is a processing technology that uses the plasticity of materials to process them into various parts. Therefore, this term has the term sheet metal processing and manufacturing technology. So, do we all know its kind? I think the answer is not that.

The following is a detailed discussion on this issue, so that everyone can understand some of its main types, so that you can better understand and deepen the product of sheet metal processing.

Sheet metal processing

Sheet metal processing manufacturing technology, its main types are:

(1) Plastic forming technology

It can also be divided into three types: fine-grained plasticity, phase transformation plasticity, and other plasticity. Among them, the most widely used is the first one, but it has certain requirements, mainly the equiaxed fine-grained structure should have a good Thermal stability, the deformation temperature should be greater than the melting point temperature of the material, and the strain rate of the device should be low.

Sheet metal processing

(2) Laser shock technology

That is, the laser beam impinges on the metal surface in the form of pulses, thereby forming a plane wave, which can cause plastic deformation of the material.

(3) Hydroforming technology

That is, the hydraulic bladder is used as an elastic concave mold or a convex mold, and oil is used as a pressure transmitting medium, so that the forming operation and process are performed.

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